A Sacramento Family Dentist Can Offer Options to Correct Problems With Your Smile.

By Roxy Albright

Since your smile is one of the first things people notice about you, seeing a Sacramento family dentist may affect your confidence and allow your true personality to be seen. If you feel uncomfortable about smiling because of cosmetic or other problems with your smile, it can affect not only your personal relationships, but your professional ones as well. You may find that you feel self-conscious and may even have difficulty enjoying otherwise pleasant social interactions as a result of your smile and the way that you believe it causes others to perceive you. But, there is no need to feel this way. Most cosmetic and other problems can easily be corrected at Sacramento Dental, with not one but many procedures to choose from. It is time to stop worrying and start smiling again!

The best way to learn about the numerous options that may be available to remedy your concerns is to make a consultation with a Sacramento family dentist. In that visit, the dentist can listen to your concerns about your current smile and offer numerous treatment options. The dentist can also advise you which procedures will have the best success rate and give you the highest likelihood of the most favorable results. Recent innovations in dentistry allow for more options then ever before to correct problems in your smile. These options include: missing teeth, stained teeth, crooked teeth, gapped teeth, crowded teeth, gummy smile, broken, chipped or cracked teeth, and unattractive old fillings.

If you have this problem, you know that missing teeth cause more than just cosmetic problems. Missing teeth, or even just a missing tooth, affects the whole rest of your mouth, can cause jaw bones to weaken, causes gums to collapse and damage and or loss of surrounding teeth may also occur. A Sacramento family dentist will most often recommend dental implants in the case of missing teeth, but another popular option include dental bridges. Another similar but different problem, crooked, crowded or gapped teeth, also greatly impacts more than just the cosmetics of your smile. Crowded and gapped teeth generally cause alignment problems and may also lead to greater risk of tooth decay. Often times, crooked, crowded or gapped teeth can be easily corrected with Invisalign or even veneers in some severe instances.

If you are worried about the appearance of teeth, such as staining or broken, chipped, or cracked teeth, there are also solutions which can be recommended by your Sacramento family dentist at Sacramento Dental. Staining of teeth often occurs due to age, diet, and habits (such as smoking). Many of the problems with staining can be corrected with teeth whitening. If stains are too severe, veneers may be suggested. For teeth that are chipped, broken, or cracked, depending on the severity of the defect, dental bonding, a porcelain onlay, or a dental crown may be suggested.

Many people are greatly concerned with their older, more visible silver fillings, especially those that have discolored with age. Often times, these fillings cause them to feel self-conscious about their teeth and smile because people can see their fillings when they open their mouth or smile. As an additional concern, old fillings are also prone to failure, often causing even more decay and potentially further damage to your teeth. The presence of mercury in older silver amalgam fillings also has some replacing these fillings for health reasons. Old fillings can be replaced with white or tooth colored fillings for any or all of these reasons.

A qualified Sacramento family dentist at Sacramento Dental can not only give you some options to correct any problems that you see with your teeth or smile, but also may be able to help improve self-confidence as well.

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1 commentaire:

  1. It's important to make sure you take care of your teeth. One of the best ways to take of your teeth is to have a knowledgeable, skilled family dentist. Not every family dentist is the same, so it's important to take the time to make sure you select one who will meet the needs of you and your family.

    California Family Dentist
