How Beautiful Designer Skin Will Improve Your Life And How To Get It

By Haywood Hunter

When it comes to beauty, we're not entirely limited by what our mothers gave us. Having designer skin can give us great strides towards attaining splendor. A great dermis is far from common, though.

Perhaps they're under the impression that it's time consuming and costly. Or, more likely, they don't listen to the simple truths our grandmothers told us while growing up. The truth is that it's not difficult to obtain. All we need do is listen to the sensible advice that's been rattling around in our brains since childhood.

It's impossible to have a beautiful exterior without a healthy interior. Diet has the potential to make enormous changes in your outer appearance. It's been said for centuries because it's true.

Everyone's talking about collagen when it comes to preventing wrinkles. You can get your collagen from broccoli and strawberries. Blackberries and blackcurrants are excellent. Nuts and oily fish will give you the omega threes so important for skin health, too.

Yes, water really can improve your dermis within a few days. It hydrates from within and there are tests that prove it. You'll need no tests, though, once you've seen the results for yourself. 1.5 to 2 litres a day is optimal.

When it comes to pigmentation, wrinkles and aging, the sun is the number one offender. It's also the most preventable one with a morning application of an SPF lotion. Remember that the sun isn't limited to beach days. You'll need a good sun block every day.

Even so, there's no excuse for a pale, pasty body. These days, with the improvements in self tans, everyone should be well bronzed at all times. A great tan makes you look taller and slimmer, it evens out complexion and hides a number of faults.

Use one that colors skin immediately on application so you can create even coverage. Don't use it directly after using an alkaline soap. Give your body a scrub to loosen dead cells, which prevent smooth tone. Gloves are now available for application so you can avoid letting the whole world know your tan's fake with bronze palms.

Now you're left with one last thing: a routine relevant for your age and earning power. There are aspects that are important for all ages though, the most important of which is to moisturize well. Great products don't have to cost the earth but they will have earned a name for themselves. Find the best by seeking the advice of the real experts: those who have great skin themselves.

Secondly, always be gentle. When exfoliating, use a product with round beads or sugar rather than harsh egg shells. Your toner shouldn't contain alcohol. Your cleanser should clear pores without disturbing PH balance or drying the skin.

This kind of routine won't take much time and it's worth it. Think of all the money you'll be saving in damage control when you pass fifty. A designer skin is yours for the taking.

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