How Do Many Of The Best Self Tanning Products Do Many Of Their Job

By Haywood Hunter

The cold weather is beginning to drift away from many areas and the warm summer temperatures are returning. This means there will be tons of girls and boys heading off to the beach to play and have fun. Many will not want people to see how white their skin has turned and will look to get one of the best self tanning products to make them look tan.

These products serve to darken the color of a person by applying lotions and spray onto the skin. This affects the outer layer of the epidermis. Among the most effective lotions to change the color are those that contain dihydroxyacetone.

This DHA reacts with dead skin cells to make them appear darker than they were before. The cells are dead and they will flake off the body fairly fast. This makes it so one has to reapply the lotions and sprays frequently.

There are some things that are called tanning accelerators that contain amino acids. These can be applied to the epidermis or they can come in pill form that needs to be swallowed. The primary function of these accelerators is to help the body produce melanin. Melanin is the substance that gives humans their skin color.

There is a pill based substance that will affect skin throughout the body. This substance is named canthaxanthin and was originally developed as a food coloring additive. However, when a person ingests this they will find that their skin will develop an orange and brown hue that apes the look of a tan.

The best self tanning products will make on look darker. Most are made in lotion and cream forms, but there are some that are meant to be ingested. They will not protect someone against the sun like a real tan might do and one will need to be careful when going out into the sun.

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